Top 8 Benefits of Kettle Bell Training

When swinging a kettlebell, this movement will the target your core muscles.  These muscles include the hips, hamstrings, glutes the also the upper body, including the shoulders as well as the lats.
While the specific muscle benefits are clutch, the best part is that this movement translates to a more fit and powerful body overall. Even though the benefits of swinging kettle bells affect multiple muscles at once, another benefit is that kettle bell swings can translate into every day life.  Kettle bell swings are beneficial to athletes who need to increase strength as well as explosion. 

What are the benefits of kettle bell training?

1. Kettlebell training increases work capacity

What is work capacity?  Work capacity is basically the amount of work your
body has the ability to do.  When you
increase your work capacity this will cause an increase in strength, muscle growth along with a larger amount of calories that are burned.
Your body requires more calories with a larger amount of activity.  With kettlebell training your work capacity will is increase at a fast rate.

2.  Increase stability with instability

A kettlebell is not desined the same as a barbell or dumbbell.  Barbells and dumbbells are centered.  Because of this kettlebell training will assist in building stability with instability.
Kettlebells will allow your body to deal with an off-center of gravity. Your small stabilizer muscles activate more than with traditional exercises, causing these muscles to become stronger.

3.  Cardio while doing resistance workout

Many people go to the gym mainly for resistance training.   When it comes to cardio most people aren't quite excited to do it.  The simple thought of spending 30 minutes to an hour on a treadmill boring.  Kettlebell provides many of the benefits of regular cardio.
The reason kettlebell training is a great because trains multiple energy systems.
There are two main energy systems we use during exercise. The aerobic system is used during times of activity, usually greater than a minute. This system functions off of oxygen that your body take in for energy. The next system is the anaerobic energy system. This system uses stored energy for an activity usually lasting under 15 seconds.

4. It's easier on the body.

Kettlebell workouts easily transitions from one exercise to the next. The smooth transitions make it feel more natural for your body to perform the steps.

5.  Kettlebells can be added into any regimen.

Whether it's endurance, bodybuilding or powerlifting routines, kettlebells can be utilized.  Every muscle is being used.  From the top of your traps, to bottom of your hamstrings.

6. Kettlebells can be used at home.

It would not be wise to have a dumbbell rack in the middle of your living room. Not only because it would take up a whole bunch of space.  It would be stupid.  With kettlebells, all you need is one weight in order to get an effective workout.

7. Kettlebell can increase forearm development along with   increasing grip strength

Kettlebells have a thicker handle than barbells and dumbbells. This causes your grip to get stronger along developing your forearms in the process. The design of the kettlebell also adds another unique component to your grip training. Since the kettlebell's center of gravity is usually in motion your grip training becomes a combination of dynamic and static muscular contractions in an attempt to control that fluctuating center of mass.

8. No need for gym membership

Kettlebells target so many different muscles, that someone who is trying to just "get in shape" doesn't have to waist money on an gym membership.  Since kettlebells help in the development of muscles along with increasing heart rate, stamina and endurance.  The resistance and cardio aspects are already taken care of.


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