Are You Really Hungry? The Reason You Overeat.
I've found that overeating seems to be uncontrollable. When I picture a person overeating, I normally visualize a person stuffing their face with pizza, ice cream, cookies etc. Can binge eating healthy snacks be just as harmful as overeating unhealthy food ? The habit of overeating is something that is developed over time. Normally, when a person overeats, there's normally an underlying cause. In many cases overeating used as a tool to help cope with stress in our everyday life. In most cases, overeating is the byproduct of dehydration. This would be called " dehydration hunger ". Lack of energy or fatigue is caused by dehydration. When your body doesn't get enough water, your body won't have the ability to go through of it's many functions. Dehydration also causes your organs not to be able function properly, which causes you to feel weak and tired. One of the side effects of dehydration is ...